Resources for Aligning with Your Higher Self
As a spiritual mentor, teacher, and Guide to the Unseen, I am always open to opportunities, resources, and experiences that support me on my journey to align with the highest version of my Self. Along my journey, I have found many things that have been supportive and a few things that haven’t been. Each one of us has our own way of relating to and learning that not everything works for everybody. At the same time, I feel the call to share a few things that have been super supportive for me in hopes they may be insightful for you as well.
These are a few of the resources I’ve compiled over the years and I wanted to share them with you! My intention in sharing these resources is to support you in becoming even more in-tune with your inner knowing and feel more in touch with your higher Self.
Books & Blogs
If you’re a bookworm like me, check out my book lists! This is an invitation to explore what each book or blog has to offer and see which you feel called to.
If you’re a visual person, here are some videos I created around soulful self-care! If you give them a try, I would love to hear how they went for you - send me a message and let me know your thoughts.
Playlists & Podcasts
Calling all of my auditory learners and seekers! Although I’m more of a visual learner, I do understand and see the value that podcasts and different playlists can have which is why I created two of my own:
Community Spaces
One of my favorite ways to learn is by living action and allowing myself to enter spaces that are intentionally created for the inner journey and loving support. Here are a few of my favorite spiritual communities and resources from my lovely friends, healers, and guides out there doing this powerful work in the world!
Self Ceremony online space hosted by me, Jessa Lin Rose - IRL meetups coming soon!
Ceremony Space with April Jay (online and IRL in Portland, OR)
Sacred Sisters Collective with Kayla (online and IRL in Boulder, CO)
I hope that these resources help you along your path - you deserve it! If you would like to stay updated on how this library of resources grows and expands, click here to bookmark it.