Spirit Speaks in Threes: My Journey in Co-Writing The Sacred Dance

The Universal Law of Threes is a guiding force across many ancient spiritual teachings. This guiding force is still present today and is beginning to resurface as more people awaken to their True Selves. The idea that Spirit speaks in threes has steered my spiritual growth and is the main theme behind my chapter "Spirit Speaks in Threes" in Sanctuary Publishing's upcoming book The Sacred Dance: Wisdom From Leaders Living a Soul-Led Life. This was my first foray into becoming a published author and it was nothing short of an eye-opening and heart-warming experience. Co-authoring this book with 14 other soulful leaders in their own right was pure magic.

Divine alchemy occurs when a group of humans can come together, lead with vulnerability, and share their stories fully and authentically. Stories like the ones shared in The Sacred Dance exist to help to re-awaken humanity to the Truth that there is more than one path. That each one of us has the power to tune in, listen to Spirit's guidance, and forge your own path as unique and magical as you are. There will be ebbs and flows, trials and tribulations, and bumps along the way, but once you recognize these as little whispers from Spirit guiding you closer to your True North, things will shift for you. My hope with sharing The Sacred Dance is to support your soul-led journey through story telling and sharing some soul truths learned along the way. 

The Sacred Dance will be released on March 3rd, and I can't wait to share it with you and whoever it's meant to find. Here's a small excerpt from my chapter "Spirit Speaks in Threes" to give you a taste of what's to come.

When you can begin to open yourself up to the language of signs, symbols, and synchronicities, you open yourself up to a support network that works flawlessly. And yes, sometimes what we need is for Spirit to speak really loud and clear if we question or have not picked up on the more subtle energies that have been presented to us. Through our inner dedication, learning, and willingness, we become more attuned to the subtle signs, synchronicities, and symbols that are here for our souls' growth. The more in tune we are with the subtleties of the Great Mystery, our connection to our own inner knowing, the more likely it is for us to feel the flow, ease, and abundance in our life experience and the less likely we will need Spirit to speak through us via the Mack Track.

We're all here riding the wave of the Great Mystery of Life, and it looks different for every one of us because we're all destined to follow our own flow of what feels True to us. The Sacred Dance is about allowing yourself to be open to the potential of pursuing a sacred path connected to Spirit to discover the enchantment that awaits you. It's about learning to know that listening to your heart will open you up to living the life you were born to live. Give it a read and see what is genuinely accessible to you in this one crazy, wild, beautiful life you get to live. You are so deserving of pursuing the road your soul is destined for. I hope you will be receptive to absorbing the deep medicine contained in this book. All you have to do now is allow yourself to Remember and get your copy when it releases on 3/4.

I'm so pleased to share The Sacred Dance: Wisdom From Leaders Living a Soul-Led Life with you shortly, and I'm looking forward to hearing how it lands for you. If you choose to read my chapter and/or the full book, I'd love to hear about your experience. Send me an Instagram message at @theonlyjessalinrose with your views and what came through for you. Feel free to comment on this blog and let me know what you think! I can’t wait to hear what you have to say.

If you would like to purchase The Sacred Dance: Wisdom From Leaders Living a Soul-Led Life, click here!


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