8 Signs You’re in Transition

Butterfly stretches upon leaving cocoon

We are alive, right now, in a time where things are crumbling and becoming undone. 

We are having a collective Tower moment, and there is no mistaking that you and I were meant to be here in this moment together, connecting, creating, and inspiring life through everything we do. These times call for heart centered, loving community, healing, and safe space for the unfolding of this journey into the Age of Aquarius. 

On this collective journey, every one of us will move through a personal transformation in our own unique ways. The medicine is different for each of us based on our past, present, and cosmic experience, but successful completion of this transformation will bring us into deeper connection, unity, and profound inner knowing. 

Transformation is the state in-between states—the magical space of creation. In this space, We let go of one state of being to embody and become another. This is a place where past programming comes up for review, and doubt seeps into the cracks where we are creating room for our new selves.

“Am I sure I can do this?” 

“No really, who do you think you are for wanting to touch the stars?” 

I smile now, after years of this work. I’ve learned it is all a powerful and potent part of the Soul’s growth, the dance of evolution. The ability to hold your vision in the transitions between states, even in moments of deep uncertainty, is key to manifesting, creating, and living your dreams. It’s not always comfortable. Honestly, it’s usually a bit uncomfortable, the space between, the pendulum state of being. Whether we seek transformation out intentionally, or find ourselves suddenly in the midst of personal reckoning, there are signs to let you know where you are. Take a breath. Notice your body. And read on.


  1. You’re questioning the way you show up. There is enough space within your vessel to create a sense of uncertainty. You’re re-evaluating the way you’re moving, acting, speaking, even the conversations you’re having with yourself. “I don’t know if this is what I’m supposed to be doing” has become a kind of mantra.  

  2. Are your friends still your friends? You’re surrounded by people, but you feel like nobody sees you, nobody gets you, nobody understands you. It’s as if you’re out of place, or something’s wrong, or you’re experiencing some general malaise. You wonder whether you fit in with these people, and leave hangouts feeling emptier.

  3. Your relationship to food, alcohol, and other substances is changing. Maybe it’s not a full change, and more of curiosity around the choices you’re making right now. You’re considering drinking less, or becoming more conscious about the food you’re consuming. There’s more attention and awareness to what you put in your body.

  4. You’re more interested in trying new things. You’re bored with the same-old-same-old, and ready for something different. You may be starting a new hobby, taking new routes through your neighborhood, or are reaching for new books, music, and other art. If you create art, you’re noticing changes to your style or process.

  5. Signs and synchronicities are popping up. I know you know about angel numbers, but this goes for colors and animals, too! You’re seeing the same concepts popping up. Have you heard someone mention the same book or idea over and over? That’s coming into your awareness for a reason! It’s time for you to explore and play with this energy. 

  6. You crave more time alone. Your body is seeking space to steep in its own Energetic Signature, extract yourself from entanglements, and remove hooks. You’re retreating into a personal cocoon where you can learn more about the person you are, and who you’re becoming. You may also wish to spend time with who you have been, before she fades away. 

  7. The way you speak to yourself starts to change. When you look in the mirror, what you’re seeing changes—even if your body hasn’t. This is an anchoring of the transition. You are beginning to BECOME! The transformation has become physical in your three dimensional form, as you are shifting into the new phase.

  8. Your view of the world starts to get bigger. There’s more space and curiosity to follow new routes outside your old haunts. The map within you is expanding, and there’s more space between an action & your reaction: you’re actively pattern interrupting! This allows new synapses to form, strengthening the connection to your new identity.

Orange butterflies fill the room, the window in the background


We are all multi-dimensional human beings who crave deep connection and intimacy. That is OK. It's natural, baby! As humans, we are wired to connect, collaborate, and create. These desires are written and encoded in our DNA and Energetic Signatures. When we listen to our bodies communicating with us through our sensations and emotions, we are led toward the places we are meant to be, and the people we are meant to be with—and these circumstances change over time, as we do. 

We are animals who thrive best in the wild with others by our sides. Yes, it has been generations since we’ve had to thrive outside in the wild. Our ‘wild’ threats and dangers have shifted, but our basic need for community and safety are still alive and well—and for good reason! True change is not something we can create alone. 

We are being invited to step into The Golden Age. An age of community, unity, of rebuilding from the harmony of new dreams and ancient knowings. We have an opportunity to heal individually and collectively. We can change the way we interact and create with others in a way that is more accepting, open, connected and loving—should we choose to make the leap. 

To make the transition: 

  • You must be willing to let go, to leap, to shift, to change in order for us to claim what you truly desire. 

  • You may not be able to see or feel it yet, but you have to trust it. Your dreams, desires, and the things that you deeply crave to experience are available to you. But you must be willing to show up for yourself and commit to becoming that version of you.  

  • You have to let go of the programs, beliefs, thoughts and actions that hold you back, in order to grasp your next version of you and stand in that truth.

What is the next level you desire to experience for yourself? Your business? Your life? It is available to you, but first you must be ready to release. So, what are you ready to let go of? 

How dedicated are you to experiencing your next level self? ▲


I am following the highest alignment of my frequency, feeling the shift through excitement, joy, playfulness, edginess, grief, loss, dying as we move through and anchor into a new identity.

Small blue butterfly landed upon a blade of grass

Alone, never lonely.


Beginning a No Penetration Practice