Beginning a No Penetration Practice
Let’s talk about sex, baby. ;)
Sex is a transfer of sacred energy, even in casual circumstances. That’s because we’re playing with a sacred space within the female body that gives, receives, creates, and destroys energy.
The yoni is a unique aspect of the female form that is designed to create LIFE, something completely new! Our pussies are a power source of BEING. When women are taught to believe that power source isn’t theirs, they become so disconnected from their own power that they yield it up to be used by others.
But you cannot come to know your power when you have been programmed to give it away.
When we’re not in touch with our body’s sacred spaces, we have no idea what we’re even creating, which can get messy AF. I was once so disconnected from my own inner truth, that my power source did not belong to me. The more I came to know my own body, the more I understood that the sex I had been having was not supportive for who I truly know myself to be. This hit home for me during my last relationship, and as communication broke down between us, I decided to begin listening to myself.
I began a No Penetration practice lasting over a year. During that time, I allowed my sexual and creative powers to become mine again. This journey made me question whether my sexual power had ever really belonged to me. Most of my past sexual experiences existed more for the giving and taking, (for a long time, only in one direction) and were always outcome-based rather than rooted in healthy co-creation, true intimacy, and reciprocity.
Through the act of celibacy, I was able to create a boundary that allowed only myself to access, cultivate, and harness this energy in a way that served me.
From the moment I became of reproductive age, my body didn’t feel like it belonged to me. I came into my adult body early, developing breasts at 11. Suddenly, older men began looking at me differently. My peers hadn’t yet grown in this new direction, and it made me feel like something was wrong with me. I was not only being sexualized, I was being ostracized.
When it came to sex, my first teachers were books, porn, magazines, movies, and the things older girls and men would say to me. Many of my earliest sexual experiences were of men teaching me how to please them, convincing and coercing me into sexual acts with them. I started having sex at 17, but it never really felt like it was meant to be pleasurable for me—or about me in any way.
These were all events that dissociated me from my own pleasure. When I was authentically sexual and sensual, I was shamed. I existed for pleasure, yes, but it didn’t seem to be mine. Everyone gets a say on what a woman does with her body—except her. The sex I was having had unwillingly become a divestment of my own power.
These are not uncommon experiences, and they work to illustrate the ways we are indoctrinated into a relationship with sex that does not serve us. I am currently re-writing my entire relationship with sex, sexuality, love, and intimacy. Up to this point, my life has contained so many different types of relationships, and each one has served me in some way along my journey. But as my last relationship ended, I took the opportunity to go on a journey of self-pleasure, to find what I desire, and what my pussy, my creative power portal, most wants out of life.
Don’t get me wrong: in my last relationship we had great sex. We had love, intimacy, a little bit of kink—all the good stuff! We discussed topics I had previously never been able to talk to anyone about without judgment. For the first time in a relationship, when I shared some of my dirty, dark secrets, it was with somebody who saw me lovingly. Our shared perspectives helped me to feel close to my partner on every level.
Our relationship was pure bliss, joy, and amazing for a time, but then we arrived at a place where our agreements we originally made no longer served us. This happens in every relationship. Living in a changing world inevitably changes us, whether or not we’re aware of it. Strong relationships find a way to grow and change together, but for us, shifting our agreement became a challenge that we were both not willing to traverse together.
Relationships get to be anything we want them to be, but to go the distance or depth of wild intimacy require all parties to agree to their terms and be willing to adjust. All partners must be open and willing to have discussions and make new agreements when things inevitably shift.
My last relationship helped me see patterns I hadn’t seen previously. It brought the awareness of how sex in our current climate feels more for the man. It wasn’t as though I had an overnight awakening—these were things I already knew, before I had all the words to describe them. Yet after repeating this pattern over and over again, I was seeing it show up in a relationship I knew to be based compassion, love, and respect with a partner I would never suspect to feel that way with.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
I had started to feel that when it came to sex, sensuality, intimacy, my needs didn’t seem to matter in the way I so deeply wanted them to. As my desires didn’t feel heard or met in the bedroom, I began to recognize that I wasn’t feeling seen or met in the rest of our relationship either. I was craving a depth of intimacy and connection that we were not meant to achieve. I felt as if I was speaking in a tongue he could not hear.
Sometimes even the experiences you once really craved or desired no longer feel quite right. The things we once enjoyed no longer feel nourishing or sexy or playful or soulful, and that’s OK. This is an opportunity for us to check in with ourSelves to see how to lovingly hold, refine, and realign our frequency - to find new things that do feel nourishing.
In ALL relationships — yes, even the one with Self — its inevitable we’ll get to have these juicy conversations. To create new spaces for ourselves and others to play, nourish, and create. But more than simply talking about them, we get to feel into and create them too. We get to use our bodies as our tools, our instruments, to recognize the subtle clues and sensations that tell us when something has come to a conclusion, or gets to expand to incorporate the growth and new energies you and your partners have created together.
If your Energetic Signatures are no longer in frequency with one another, shifts and subtle changes will begin to occur. A few tell tale warning signs your frequency/agreements/contracts are out of alignment:
You feel like you’re speaking different languages.
You’re craving something different, yet don’t feel safe to share these desires.
It feels different within your body to be near them and to be touched by them.
You feel alone even while being right next to them.
Your partner no longer smells good to you.
Let me be clear - these things don't necessarily mean it’s time to end a relationship! They are signs that your subtle frequencies are changing. See them as messengers, creating an opportunity to readjust and realign the shared relationship frequency. You’re being invited to allow more unity-consciousness and loving acceptance into your energetic frequency on both an individual, couple and collective level.
But should our intimate desires continue to be ignored or denied, at some point, we may begin feel as if our needs don’t matter, and that feeling of denial will begin to seep into other aspects of the relationship. At the end of the day, how we show up in our own energy matters so that we can be bringing our most authentic and true selves to the table. That’s why is super important to honor our unique energetic signatures and frequency when co-creating intimacy within all relationships, especially sexually!
Your Energetic Signature is the vibrational frequency within your DNA, brought with you into this existence. The ancient wisdom of our ancestors and the experience of past lifetimes is coded into our DNA, and we are unconsciously attuned to its pattern. Our Energetic Signature tells the story of who we have been, who we are being, who we can be, and who we are becoming. It is unique to our cosmic, ancient, and current DNA structure. We exchange our Energetic Signature with others many times throughout the day, but in a much deeper, more lasting way when we are sexually intimate with others.
“ Coded into our DNA is the ancient wisdom of our ancestors and the experience of past lifetimes.”
You can express your Energetic Signature through your pheromones, how you adorn and carry yourself, the thoughts you think, the words you speak, and through the subtle layers of your being. With each potential partner, your vibrational frequencies have already spoken volumes before you have even said a word to each other! This is the complex code of attraction: our Energetic Signatures make agreements that we then choose to carry out.
When we are intimate with one another, we are exchanging Energetic Signatures. I am leaving an imprint of my sacred DNA with another person. Likewise, a part of their Energetic Signature will filter through my system and find a place to land. Our human vessel and Chakra system is more open when we are having sex, and our partners’ frequencies will work their way through this often delicate channel.
When we don’t have the awareness this is happening, we can go around picking up things, beyond just STDs. Energetic parasites, entities, blocks, bonds, leaks—a whole host of energetic connections that may or may not be truly serving our well being. There is a reason you feel different after having sex with certain people, and it’s not just whether the sex was good or bad, hot or not, it’s so much deeper and subtle than that.
During my No Penetration practice, I gained a more fully-integrated, conscious awareness of my own Energetic Signature, and discovered the subtleties of my vibrational frequency. I have a deeper understanding of what I deeply desire to give and receive—what reciprocity means for me when it comes to intimacy. This practice has given me a new understanding of what is me, and what is not me. I’m able to build a new level of resilience so that I may act as ME, rather than how other people want me to be. I have more clarity around what it is I want to create in life, in love and my vision for the world.
Our experiences, our life, is our teacher. And when we step back to learn from the body’s physical desires, we begin to connect more deeply to our emotional desires. This is how we fill our inner well: by going straight to the source. The body uses sensation to alert us to what we want and need. By listening to that voice, we can identify what we truly crave.
My No Penetration journey has helped me truly harness my sexual and creative life force (Chi), allowing me to become even more magnetizing to all I desire to experience in this life. By tending to my inner well, I attract even more joy, beauty, bliss, and ecstasy into the world—what’s more, I get to consciously create with that sacred energy. Through intentional creation, we continue to call in our highest, most prosperous, most loving, most unifying, most desired timeline!
For me, this journey has been a pathway back to self. I’ve created a deeply loving and intimate relationship with myself. I’ve begun to relearn what pleasure is for MY body and made a vow of commitment to living my desires- in all aspects of life. I’m able to recognize when I meet another energetic frequency that resonates deeply with me, and I now know much more clearly who is attuned to be a match for me. It’s allowed me know my worth and be more discerning of who/what is and is not a fit for me. It’s always a journey, and there’s always more learning, but the clarity I have gained from this experience is priceless.
Everyone has the power to access their body’s natural rhythm, but those of us with pussies have a unique access point to this divine flow. These cycles are being physically externalized, made manifest within the body. And just because someone may have a pussy, doesn’t mean that they are listening to her subtleties.
When we listen to our bodies, we tap into what they need, and lead us where we are meant to be. What is our Pussy Portal trying to teach us? Is there pain or discomfort there? Is there a deep insatiable appetite for certain things? It’s all totally normal.
Your Pussy Portal can store wounds, betrayals, hurt, trauma, deep connection, and so much more that we have experienced across lifetimes. Trauma can get stuck in your physical and energy bodies as well as your DNA, and can manifest over, and over, and over again as part of our Energetic Signature. By activating the Pussy Portal and getting to know her, we learn her true expression. When we bring in curiosity and play with her, we can find where we may be carrying pain and discomfort. This is a powerful form of healing that comes from the original space of creation, the yoni.
This practice is not about making everything pleasurable so that you may stay comfortable. This is about honoring your pain through curiosity, exploration, and play in a way that is deeply healing. It’s about finding and riding your edges, so you can expand past who you’ve been previously in a way that is nurturing and pure.
The Pussy Pathway isn’t just about orgasms and bliss. (Though there’s lots of that too!) It's about clearing away what isn’t you so that you can be a clear channel for your desires, allowing life to be lived through you, so you can bring more of what you truly desire into this world.
Activating + Connecting w/ your Pussy Portal is:
Love for yourself.
Love for life.
Love of desire for life's epic ride.
Our bodies give us our senses—our ability to touch and taste the juice of life!
Let them pour through you. Expand you. Explode you into absolute bliss and joy!
If you’re ready to honor your Energetic Signature and get to know your own Pussy Portal, she’s ready and waiting! We’re going to get edgy, deep, and access planes of healing that will blast you open to new possibilities. This offering isn’t for the faint of heart, it’s for the wild ones, the visionaries who are ready to let go of all limits and come home to the truth of who you are. When we activate in groups the healing amplifies 10x!
Now is the time to step inside the Pussy Portal Pathway. Excited to welcome those who feel the pulse to join us—sign up for early access here. ▲